David Kelsen

Tag: ice melting

  • Climate Change

    I know, a light subject right?

    Q: is the climate changing?

    A: yes

    Q: how?

    A: It’s getting more extreme, and it’s getting a little warmer.

    Q: should i be concerned?

    A: yes, but more important is being informed. informed on a fact-based level, meaning the details of the thing described are irrefutable.

    • The earth rotated today (we’d all be abundantly aware if it hadn’t).
    • Greenland’s ice sheet is melting faster than anytime in 12,000 years.

    Things like that.

    Conjecture and assertions are not welcome at this point.

    The climate is changing, that is irrefutable (evidence)

    • Global Temperature Rise
    • Ocean warming
    • Shrinking Ice Sheets
    • Glacial Retreat
    • Decreased Snow Cover
    • Sea Level Rise
    • and more…

    So it’s definitely happening. But why?

    I don’t think anyone definitely knows why.

    Did all the exhaust from those carburetor cars from 1886 to somewhere in the 70’s or 80’s help?

    No, they did not, but you knew that.

    reeljerc: “Hey, I surfed River Jettys in Huntington Beach in the early 70’s, when OC companies were using the Santa Ana River has their own personal hazardous waste dump.

    Many a time we came across big brown clumps or whatever the hell it was, while paddling hard to catch set coming in.”

    The earth is really fricking old. Most of us were not around for the first 4 billion years. And while I’m a fan of science, I mean a huge fan, how old things are and what happened during those years is a guess.

    A very good guess, but a guess just the same.

    We, as humans, may have some freaky cellular granular genetic memory thing going on. But we still don’t know what happened before we got here.

    So in the 4 billion years before the arrival of humans, it’s possible similar atmospheric events took place.

    It could very well be that the current atmospheric shift is simply an organic, natural occurrence in the evolution of this planet. And the damage our industrial age inflicted is/was minor.

    But that doesn’t change the undeniable fact that things are going to change. Ice is melting, sea level is rising. The coastlines the planet enjoys today are in flux. We (those of us that are still breathing) may not suffer the imminent changes afoot, but if you have spawn, well…

    Make a plan. Geological changes will happen over the course of many years, with any luck, but it’s still worth figuring out today. It makes sense to have a plan.

    You may have a friend or family member who completely disavows the idea of Climate Change, but probably because this has become a political issue.

    It may be a manufactured political issue, but it’s happening.

    And the carbon emissions we are contributing is not helping. That’s a fact.

    So, why not do something to lessen blow?

    Fossil fuels and coal are finite resources.

    One day, they will be gone.

    Are you thinking to yourself, “won’t happen in my lifetime”?

    What about your grandkids? Not that you care, but here’s the thing;

    If we can improve a most obvious condition, that will only help, not hurt…what’s the deal? Why not?