David Kelsen

Understanding the Persistence of Belief in Donald Trump’s 2020 Election Victory

The 2020 U.S. presidential election was a highly contentious and polarizing event that saw Joe Biden emerge as the victor. However, despite the official results and widespread acceptance of Biden as the winner, a significant number of people still believe that Donald Trump won the election. This essay aims to explore the reasons behind this persistent belief.

1. Disputed Claims and Legal Challenges:
One key factor contributing to the belief that Donald Trump won the 2020 election is the series of disputed claims and legal challenges made by his campaign and supporters. Trump and his legal team alleged voter fraud, irregularities, and inconsistencies in the electoral process. These claims, though largely debunked and dismissed by courts and election officials, created doubt and fueled skepticism among Trump’s supporters.

2. Partisan Media and Echo Chambers:
The presence of partisan media outlets and social media echo chambers has played a significant role in perpetuating the belief in Trump’s victory. Some media organizations and online platforms have catered to specific ideological biases, amplifying narratives that support the idea of election fraud or a stolen victory. This selective exposure to information reinforces existing beliefs and makes it difficult for alternative viewpoints to penetrate these echo chambers.

3. Emotional Investment and Identity Politics:
For many of Trump’s ardent supporters, their belief in his victory is deeply tied to their emotional investment in his presidency and their identification with his political agenda. Trump’s presidency was characterized by a strong cult of personality, with loyal supporters seeing him as a champion of their values and aspirations. Accepting his loss would mean accepting the defeat of their own ideological and personal identification, which can be difficult for individuals to reconcile.

4. Lack of Trust in Institutions:
The erosion of trust in institutions, including the media, government bodies, and even the electoral process itself, has contributed to the belief that Trump won the election. Skepticism towards these institutions has been fueled by a variety of factors, such as past instances of corruption, partisan biases, and a general sense of disillusionment. This lack of trust in key institutions has created an environment where alternative narratives can thrive, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

5. Influence of Conspiracy Theories:
Conspiracy theories have also played a role in sustaining the belief in Trump’s victory. Various conspiracy theories, such as the “deep state” or “QAnon,” have gained traction among some of Trump’s supporters. These theories often posit complex and unfounded explanations for Trump’s loss, attributing it to a vast, orchestrated plot against him. The allure of conspiracy theories lies in their ability to provide simple, alternative explanations that validate pre-existing beliefs.

While the 2020 presidential election has been widely recognized as a victory for Joe Biden, there remains a subset of people who persistently believe that Donald Trump won. This belief is driven by a combination of disputed claims, partisan media, emotional investment, erosion of trust in institutions, and the influence of conspiracy theories. Understanding these factors can shed light on the persistence of this belief, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.


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