David Kelsen

I figured out Trump, and I’m not angry anymore

Riled beyond belief.

That was a daily event for me, but then I figured it out.

Trump’s blatant lies, misinformation campaign, personal attacks, incompetence, prejudice, inability to take responsibility, the list goes on.

But it’s all part of the plan.

Or rather, it’s all part of the show.

Trump will not concede and will continue to be a spectacle. It’s partially narcissism, but mostly customer retention.

He has a captive audience consisting of 10’s of millions of fervent supporters, who are also active American voters.

That’s the reason so many Republican politicians also do not officially recognize Biden’s win. Yet.

Trump’s departure from the White House will be spectacular and a nationally televised event.


Because it’s theater, drama, it’s good TV.

Do you want to know the secret? What I figured out?

It’s about the money. It’s always been about the money.

Trump donates a quarter of his salary, each fiscal quarter and retains $1 as annual income, because it’s illegal for a president of the USA to work for free.

Fact: Trump is making money from being president.

Visiting USA politicians and foreign dignitaries stay in Trump hotels and resorts. When he travels, he and his substantial entourage stay at Trump properties, at full pop.

Political events take place at Trump properties, including at his inauguration.

In the past, that kind of story would make be blow my top, but not now.

What do addiction professionals say? The first step is recognizing the problem.

I recognize that Trump is about the money, and has always been about the money. So are his kids, because they don’t know anything different.

Everything handed to them, every step of the way. Kinda like Olivia Jade admitting that (to three black women, marketing? just sayin’) she was surprised to learn that she lived in a bubble and discovered recently that she was ‘privileged’.

Give me a break.

Well folks, Donald John Trump also lived in a bubble growing up and had everything handed to him. He did not have to “work his way up”. He’s always been the son of an extremely successful New York real estate developer.

Disclaimer: I am not intimately involved with Trump finance.

Trump, historically claims, that he built his empire from a small one million dollar loan from his father (which in today’s money is more like 140 million). But that number wasn’t necessarily accurate. Trump got closer to $60 million from his dad.

This is from foxbusiness

One of Trump’s greatest tools is irony. He has convinced his supporters that he is fighting the “elites”, when he is the definition of elite. He accuses Biden and Democrats of cheating and stealing the election, while he launches multiple lawsuits, and has the arrogant audacity to tell states to throw out millions of ballots and overturn the election results, just because he wants them to. Which in deed is an actual attempted coup.

Even before election day, he stated that the Supreme Court would decide the result.

All part of the masterful spin this guy has been honing his entire life.

When Trump becomes a civilian again, does anyone, for a second, believe he will not capitalize on his stint in the Presidency?

Speech engagements, Book and TV deals. Plus the extra added value of Trump properties.


Southern District of New York is after him. So what. Those cases are about finance. Fines, whatever.

He’s going to score big in the AfterMarket.

His appearances will be in demand for at least the next four years, or longer if he plays his cards right. Which he will!

It’s a business move.

Speaking of business, did Donald Trump suffer at all from the tell-all book by his niece Mary? Nobody stopped it from being published. It sold very well. Made headlines all over the world.

If it was so defamatory, why hasn’t he sued? He sues (or threatens to anyway) everyone else that paints him in a bad light. Proceeds from the book go to a Trump.

He always promised to treat the Presidency as a business.

Damn. He did.




One response to “I figured out Trump, and I’m not angry anymore”

  1. Sandra Avatar

    It’s about money and greed for all of them. This one just exemplifies the matter and has absolutely no conscience.

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