David Kelsen

Author: reeljerc

  • Wow

    Her Love

    A depth few will recognize, and while they (those lucky enough to be a they) may not recognize or appreciate the depth, appreciation abounds by all fortunate enough to be touched by her smile, her voice, her eyes, her love.

    Because she loves. She loves completely, she loves unconditionally, she loves deeply.

    She Understands

    An intuitive, accurate understanding complete

    A completely unbiased progressive understanding rooted in vast, keen perception borne from victory over tragedy, fucked up parental behavior and life-threatening illness.

    Circumstances, separate or combined that could irrevocably damage and kill, yet she overcame and flourished.

    Words by themselves are flat, two dimensional, black and white…

    Colored with her inflection, tone, nuance, intent and illuminated by her chrysalis eyes, they comfort…heal… inspire…

    That’s what she does.

    When she speaks, you don’t hear her words, you feel her heart.

    She’s Sitting with Me


    I must have done something incredibly good and tremendously right

    She reveals multitudinous dimensions of love,

    She shares precious intimacy

    She gushes over me, swallows me and allows me in to her extraordinariness


    I thought I knew,

    I didn’t know


    Eager to learn

  • The Facilitator

    I may not know what you’re talking about..

    May not recognize the terminology or a specific word (that’s what google is for)..


    Present me with an issue, a problem, a puzzle, a challenge…

    And I will answer with solutions.

    (as he scrapes melted butter off the front of his shirt)

  • Please Kill Our Soldiers

    Pastor Terry Jones and Al Qaeda – Same Action, Same Result

    Terry JonesBurn All The Books.  Burning books is good.  Books introduce subversive ideology into the minds of our young. Raid the libraries,  set Barnes & Noble ablaze, Nuke the educational institutions (oh yeah, institution – that’s a bad word, right? Cool.)

    According to statements by Florida preacher Terry Jones, God wants our soldiers to die.  God wants Terry and his army of toothless inanity to enrage the muslim world, whilst our armed forces, our sons and daughters are in the crosshairs, brilliant.

    At least Al Qaeda thought it was brilliant, because it proved to galvanize uneducated, disconnected communities against the west, which serves their purposes very well. I mean really, you know how your flock would react if they learned that muslims down  the street were burning bibles, right?

    General David Petraeus publicly stated that it was a BAD idea.  But don’t listen to him Terry, he’s only in charge and actually has responsibility for our sons, our daughters, our mothers and our fathers fighting in that part of the world.  General Petraeus lives and breathes this issue, day in and day out. You, Terry, on the other hand have responsibility for their souls.  Thank God.  Because you’ve traveled extensively over there and are well aware of the situation, right Terry?

    So for God’s sake, don’t listen to Petraeus.  You have God on your side.

    Were Jesus alive, he’d be standing right next to you, holding his Bic Lighter ready to torch the next copy, because that was his way, right?

    I distinctly remember reading the “Search & Destroy” scripture, the “We’ll all live, after we kill you” scripture, the “Slash each cheek with a bowie knife” scripture.  Sure, those were my favorites.

    Hey, Terry…

    Please don’t consider that your country was actually founded on the freedom of religion, naw, that just weakens your argument.  Besides, your parishioners don’t read that shit anyway (and they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed, but you already knew that, huh Terry).  The constitution was written by a bunch of mutinous malcontents.  Imagine, being forced to follow one particular god, one religion…

    Thank god you’re not bound by such incredulous notions, right Terry?

    Some pinko hippie might suggest that by reading the satan-saturated text, one could learn about a culture that constitutes a large percentage of the world’s population, and use it to one’s advantage, but such aspirations are obviously misguided and obtuse.  (do you need a minute to google “obtuse” Terry?)

    Because someone of your obvious mental superiority and worldly wisdom would surely recognize the far-reaching repercussions of their actions, right?

    Obviously God has a greater plan.  You’ve spoken to him, right?  God is aware that the seemingly innocuous action of setting fire to the tantamount symbol of an immense portion of the world populations belief system won’t negatively affect my cousin in Afghanistan, right.  I can count on you Terry, right?

    Should my cousin direct their amen to God, or you Terry?

  • Carly Fiorina – Is this a Joke?

    Being a superstar salesperson doesn’t automatically make you a good manager.

    Carly FiorinaI was never retained, considered nor ever acted as CEO of Hewlett-Packard (HP).  But, neither was I fired or, ummm.. “asked to leave”.

    Successful management is a skill.  It encompasses a great deal of expertise, intuition and savvy regardless of the industry.  Success or failure can often be attributed to the adherence and respect given to basic principles.  Because let’s face it, if you don’t know the basics you’re going to lose.

    Sometimes a single action, isolated in your consciousness, can be more telling than a mountain of press releases, reports or relentless spin.

    When I read that struggling HP CEO Carly Fiorina, towards the ineloquent end of her embattled albeit short tenure, had fired three executives at 5 AM over the phone, I knew.

    What do you call that kind of move other than cowardice?

    Her reign as a media darling, which became pivotal points in her career, were sociologically well timed but what bearing did that have on her actual job performance?  Because quite frankly, she sucked at managing.  At a time when tech was blowing sky high, leading one of the most successful, well-funded, long-term companies in tech history, she managed to keep earnings and stock shares flat.

    U.S. Senate? Really?

    So now she wants a hand in running California, whoopee!!  My assessment of her is based on a single action, which is legitimate, because it’s something I never did in my 30 years managing, and would’ve never considered.  But don’t listen to me, read the comments of HP employees on their former boss:


    And if that’s not enough, look at some of the media drivel she puts her name on. Seriously, the first time I viewed this clip, I thought surely it was a Monty Python skit.


    What is it with these millionaires that think, all of a sudden, they know what’s best?…oh wait….I know…


  • Meg Whitman – WTF (part 2)

    Politicians and Political Action Committee’s (PAC) are convinced that YOU are an IDIOT.

    Meg WhitmanSince politics have existed, slogans aren’t used because they’re factual, but because they alter the view of the constituent.

    Advocates for one issue/bill/candidate or another will beat you about the head and neck with slogans because they’ve learned that if you hear it enough, your subconscious will buy in.

    Never mind the truth, never mind intelligent objectivity and reasonable debate, “WE WANT THE WORLD AND WE WANT IT NOW!”

    If you are simply a mindless troll who garners the bulk of your information from half-read headlines and TV and suffer from the affliction of lop-sided opinions fed to you by a single partisan viewpoint, then bail.  This will not interest you.

    Sure I’m picking on Meg Whitman in this post, but no one is beyond reproach. And the idea is to get YOU to think for yourself.  Don’t be an armrest.  You know what happens when a group of citizens sit around and complain about everything but don’t participate?

    ”   ”

    (nothing, start learning chinese because you’re not even a blip)

    Making it Harder to Create Jobs

    Time to dissect a statement or two from the Whitman campaign attacking California Attorney General and Gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown.

    In a recent TV commercial, Meg Whitman asserts that Brown makes it harder to create jobs and has “1,100 attorneys ready to sue over government regulations”.

    First of all, on the face of it, what the hell does that mean?

    There’s no context stated or implied.

    The snippet in quotation marks was made at a Democratic convention in San Jose in 2008, and was in reference to companies who don’t comply with environmental standards (can you say BP or Massey?).  It had nothing to do with jobs.  But let’s not allow the facts to get in the way.

    Record unemployment

    Whitman’s ad touts 11% unemployment as “Record Unemployment”.  Really?  Today, under a republican governor, unemployment is at 12.3%.  During the great depression California’s unemployment went from 3% to 25% almost overnight.

    So which record exactly is she referring to?

    Jerry Brown, Bell and Oakland

    In a direct mail piece, Whitman assimilates the payroll/pension scandal in Bell, California to Brown’s stint as mayor in Oakland.  The mailer asserts that when Brown was mayor the number of city workers who earned over $200k increased by 740% and that the number of city workers earning over $100k grew by 47.5%.

    First, they don’t mention that California Attorney General Jerry Brown is currently investigating the Bell payroll/pension scandal.

    Second, the  jump was attributed to a small pool of employees – most of them firefighters – who were chalking up more than $100,000 annually in overtime in the 2005-06 fiscal year. Two years before that, five Oakland city employees made more than $200,000. In 2005-06, that number jumped to 42. Of Oakland’s top 25 earners that year, all but four were firefighters. The others were police officers, an engineer and former city administrator Deborah Edgerly, who Jerry Brown hired.

    Third, none of those came close to the 1.5 million dollars that ex-city manager Robert Rizzo made or the $450k salary of police chief Randy Adams.

    BTW: the city of Bell is pissed that Whitman exploited them for her ad.

    Look, if you’re not willing to at least consider insightful discourse or an exchange of ideas amongst those in your community who share your ultimate objectives (you know, a better place to live and raise your family), then why not just join the Taliban?  I’m sure you’ll find like minded individuals there.


  • Meg Whitman – WTF

    Wait a minute…Meg Whitman

    Just so I have this right,

    A billionaire who hasn’t voted in 26 years suddenly decides she’s the most qualified to run California.

    Immeasurable arrogance aside, let’s pretend for a moment there’s a moral preponderance for civic duty (which to date hasn’t been proven in any way).

    Regardless of party affiliation, she’s spending too much of her own money.

    Is that a precedent that needs to be set?

    Does the state need  to be run by the person with the most money?

    Imagine the possibilities.


    Wow, another politician politically dodging questions and futilely attempting to divert the conversation.

    How refreshing.

  • The Whistleblowers

    Long Beach (June 4th, 2010)

    The Whistleblowers infiltrated the 2nd City Council Art Gallery and Performance Space in Long Beach for a performance that can only be referred to as their first.  What do you want, a critique? Figure it out for yourself:


  • The Strangers – May 22nd, 2010

    Huntington Beach, CA – The Strangers performed at Fitzgerald’s in Huntington Beach on a warm Saturday night, opening for No Crisis and The Crowd.  The half-hour set was exciting and well received.  Veteran punk rocker Rob Milucky heads up the band on guitar.  Front man David Stucken handles lead vocals and the rhythm section is comprised of Shane Haddock on bass and Julian Kelly on drums.

    The clip below is a song called Saint Marys.  I applaud Fitzgerald’s  for having the cajones to feature bands like the Strangers, however like other clubs of this ilk, sound and lighting can be a challenge.  The band was tight, the set was consistent and the performance was passionately energetic.

    Watch for these guys because their star is on the rise.



  • Certainly Uncertain

    You know when butter is burnt

    Black and rancid

    Or when the dog doesn’t like you,

    Fangs poised, growling, bloodshot eye whites, tiny pupils fixated on your slightest tremble.

    Hate and disrespect are easy.

    Love is Hard.

    She knew I was calling, why didn’t she answer, why doesn’t she call back, she says she loves me…