David Kelsen

Author: reeljerc

  • Ammi greb

    Ammi Greb you bastard

    Looking at me like you care

    Staring at me like A Hog

    Waiting for a ..

    Waiting, wait

    i’d like to say that today was different, but it was like any other day. like every other day. but it was different, just the same.

    When the canoodles start calling you by name, you know there’s a problem. 

    when the problems start canoodling, it’s even better.

    the view from down here is amazing.

    the amazing from here is down.

    The down from amazing is here

    here is down amazing


  • The Party of Common Sense – (1st Edition)

    [waiting for a member]

    [I’ll update]

  • I’m skin tone white


    I’m skin-tone white. 

    Wasn’t apprised of that til around 3rd grade.

    My house growing up was filled with jazz musicians.

    Never taught skin tone was a factor.

    Learned it in school though. 

    Learned that I was part of the white club.

    ignorance and fear.  two prerequisites of the white club. 

    White folk: deny you’ve heard n-word jokes from white brethren. 

    Did you laugh? I know you did (at least sometimes), I was there. 


  • Alimony

    i guess i’m just trying to figure out why I have to pay.

    i didn’t cheat, i didn’t beat, i didn’t abuse

    i didn’t leave..

    i did provide support. emotional, financial


    woke up one morning to an empty house. it was a sunday (not necessarily uncommon)

    until i discovered empty closets and drawers.



  • Presidential Election 2016

    what a mess..

    I’ve not personally dealt with either candidate. Never seen them up close. Not seen the look in their eye, translated their charisma or felt the embodiment of their spirit.

    Without close personal contact, it’s hard to form an accurate assessment (at least for me).

    There is documentation.

    What would it look like, two columns, pros/cons. 

    Positive things they’ve done, negative things they’ve done.

    Positive things they’ve said, negative things they’ve said.

    How would that stack?

  • A Comedian’s Take

    Jay Leno said something on KFI today that resonated, and I’m paraphrasing:

    “Every guy should get the crap beat out of him, at least one time in his life. Like John McCain said ‘torture doesn’t work.’ John McCain was tortured for 5 years. He coulda come home after two years, if he had turned on his friends or said something treasonous, but he didn’t. He stayed another 3 or 4 years. Okay, if he says torture doesn’t work,  I’m going to believe him. I’m not going to believe a kid who went to prep school, whose dad gave him a million dollars. Y’know, like I said, my dad was a prize fighter. And I was not a very good fighter, but I meet successful guys all the time, who have never been mugged, never been in a fight, but they just think they’re the toughest guys in the world. They just think they can take anybody. But when you see that fist come down, and pound your head in the ground, you think, maybe there’s a better way.”

  • Tired of Trump

    Getting tired of Trump press coverage. 

    understand it.


    American Idol, Housewives of…, Big Brother, Survivor, Kardasians, etc


    When Trump gets called on the inaccuracy of his assertions, he doubles down. He screams it louder. He’s banking on the fact that the American public is too lazy or stupid to fact-check his statements. So far it’s working. Anybody familiar with Romans?


    Let me get this straight, a billionaire real estate developer wants to put an end to the EPA?

    I’m in shock.

  • Vulgar – 2016

    Marco Rubio is absolutely correct.

    The best term to use in regard to Drumpf is ‘vulgar’.

    Hate to admit it, but I am dumb-founded at Drumpf’s popularity.


  • Trumped Up

    Kudos to Donald Trump

    Like Sarah Palin before him, he’s getting the GOP fired up. The media won’t leave him alone. Enigmatic, bombastic, (choose your adjective), but newsworthy (at least in today’s subjective news environment).

    News has always been about ‘if it bleeds it leads’. Sensationalism sells papers, prime-time, whatever. Just kind of bummed that it’s so hard to find an objective news source.

    Clearly, owners of major media outlets lean.

    A lie told often enough becomes the truth.

    -Vladmir Lenin

    Trump is a study in 2016 politics.

    Louis Farrakhan said

    “Mr. Trump is tearing away the skin of the onion of white civility and the more he pulls the skin of that onion back, he’s beginning to show something in the character of the whites that follow him, that they don’t care what he says.”

    Absolutely true.

    I’m white (although with any luck, more beige in summer). I see it.

    I heard the racist jokes, euphemisms, mind-set, growing up. Because I looked a certain way.

    The white-folk trusted me.

    I grew up in a color blind house.

    My parents were jazz musicians and people in my house were judged on the level of their talent. period.

    I wasn’t aware that I was supposed to hate black people until 1st grade.

    By then it was too late.

    I already knew if you’re human, you’re human, duh..


  • It’s a shame

    Can’t figure out why people I know, love and respect aren’t doing their homework

    Suppose it’s an age trap thing

    We get older and frailer, accompanied by a tad more fear, i surmise, i assume..(i see my hands shaking a little more, but ignore. )

    i hear/see them espouse ideals RE: the ‘Good ole days’

    dude, dudettes..

    The good ole days weren’t necessarily that good.

    Yes, you were younger and may have been stronger (sneaky internal smiles about shit you did, saw, experienced).


    But at some point you got lazy.

    Latched on to the bits that appealed to you (whether they were true or not), because they made you feel better.

    Lost the fight to face the uncomfortable.

    It’s a shame